SVET founders, Emily and Alexander Etman, emigrated from Latvia to the United States in 1990. The well-known Soviet journalist A. Etman was invited by two largest Russian language newspapers in New York and Los Angeles. Still, he chose Chicago, the third largest demographic of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, to start the first newspaper in Russian.
In more than thirty years, the newspaper has evolved into a powerful multi-media company to help fellow citizens become successful in their dream country. This is an ace team where each member cares for and complements the other.
Zhanet Bartashnik, Natalia Solonyna and Natalia Kotlyarchuk are from Ukraine, Natalia Osipova is from Uzbekistan, Anna Duboiskaya is from Belarus, Emily and Alexander Etman are from Latvia. For many years experts, consultants, designers and journalists from the United States, Latvia, Germany, Israel, Australia, Ukraine, and Russia have continued to collaborate with us. We always work with leading industry professionals using cutting-edge technology and services.

Alexander Etman
Editor-in-Chief, Radio Host, Blogger
Since 1992

Emily Etman
President, Business Developer,
Community Activist
Since 1992

Natalia Osipova
Marketing Director, Networking Specialist
Since 2000

Zhanet Bartashnik
Chief Sales Director
Since 1993

Lana Becker
CEO SVET Digital, Digital Marketing Guru
Since 2018

Natalia Solonyna
Office Administrator
Since 2018

Anna Duboiskaya
Social Media Manager
Since 2022

Maria Neiman
Marketing & Media Development Manager
Svet Florida
Since 2023